Being strapped for cash can be a scary situation, but don’t think you’re out of luck. If you need money fast for rent, bills or groceries, a pawn shop might be a viable solution. Pawn shops deal in all sorts of quality used items, like jewelry, antiques, musical instruments, firearms and so much more, many […]
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Pawning in the Digital Age
The rise of the internet has changed a lot of industries forever. Pawning is just one example of a field that’s been irrevocably altered by the increased reliance on digital technologies. Traditionally, pawning was very much a face-to-face sort of enterprise. You would bring your items into your pawn shop in Olathe, KS and give […]
Read MoreNow’s the Time to Invest in Gold
There is obviously a lot of market instability right now. The collapse in the stock market caused by the spread of coronavirus on a pandemic, global level is going to have some very real and very significant effects on people’s savings. While precious metals like gold and silver are not as volatile even during these […]
Read MoreKarats, Carats and Carrots: Oh My!
Most of us have a vague idea of what karats and carats are—and we hope you’ve seen carrots recently! Many people are under the impression that bigger is better, at least when it comes to carat size and karat weight. Knowing how and why these measurements are calculated can help when you buy and sell […]
Read MoreThings to Remember When Pawning Your Valuables
Typically, when people pawn their valuables, they’re doing so as a last resort. Pawn shops in Olathe, KS are a good source of quick cash and loans when you desperately need it, but you might be surprised at the experience. When pawning your valuables, keep in mind that pawn shops are a business, and they […]
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