Being strapped for cash can be a scary situation, but don’t think you’re out of luck. If you need money fast for rent, bills or groceries, a pawn shop might be a viable solution. Pawn shops deal in all sorts of quality used items, like jewelry, antiques, musical instruments, firearms and so much more, many of which are acquired from people who bring them in to the pawn shop to sell. Some merchandise is more highly sought after than others. Here’s a list of timeless items that pawn shops in Olathe, KS love:
- Gemstones and diamonds: Some of the smallest objects are the most sought after by pawn shops: precious stones. As long as they are genuine, you can take your diamonds and gemstones to a pawn shop for some quick cash. Quality diamonds are always in high demand, thanks to their timeless beauty, uniqueness and scarcity. Gemstones set in jewelry pieces or sold as loose stones are also pawn shop favorites. Pawned stones are always in demand from pawn shops and customers alike, as they offer an affordable alternative to expensive jewelry stores.
- Precious metals: Precious metals like silver, platinum and gold continue to be popular pawn shop items. Similar to diamonds and gemstones, quality precious metal jewelry pieces don’t stay on the shelves for long—especially gold. Gold either holds its worth or increases in value and is considered the most valuable metal unaffected by inflation.
- Watches: Watches are good business for pawn shops. If you have any high-quality, good-condition watches at home that don’t get worn, consider bringing them to a pawn shop for fast cash. Before you take your watches in, check them for scratches or dings, clean them up, see that they work and, if possible, gather up all of the original packaging and pieces. Watch brands that are always in demand include Omega, Rolex, Movado and Ulysses.
- Firearms: Most pawn shops buy and sell guns for the simple reason that people love firearms. Guns are extremely popular in America, and they retain their value, making them some of the most lucrative items sold in pawn shops across the country. Whether you need quick cash or are ready to part with some of your firearms, local pawn shops will be glad to take a look and make a fair offer.
- Power tools: Good power tools are in demand among both homeowners and small home improvement businesses. Since brand-new power tools tend to be pricy, affordable and high-quality used tools of all kinds don’t stay on pawn shop shelves very long. Before pawning a power tool, make sure it’s in good working order, holds a full charge and is free of dirt and debris. Keep in mind that the newer they are, the more components they have and the better they look, the more cash you can get for them.
If you know what you are looking for, you can find great deals on these items and more at pawn shops in Olathe, KS. Come to Harrison Street Pawn today to check out our selection of quality used merchandise!