If you need some fast cash and have a ton of old stuff laying around, your first thought might be to sell them online. Before you get on the computer, consider heading down to your local pawn shop.
These are a few of the many items you didn’t know you could pawn or sell:
- Guns: Selling a gun online is quite difficult due to state and federal regulations. One place that’ll buy your guns with very few questions asked is a pawn shop. Plus, you’ll get more money for your gun than anywhere else.
- Jewelry: Nearly every pawn shop worldwide will pay top-dollar for your old jewelry. When you sell jewelry to a pawn shop instead of online, you won’t have to worry about paying for expensive shipping insurance. Pawn shops are also great places to buy jewelry for yourself or loved ones.
- Clothing: Are your closets and drawers full of old clothes? Don’t just donate them or throw them away—see how much you can sell them for at a pawn shop.
- Shoes: Our closets also get full of unworn shoes. While your pawn shop might not buy all of your shoes depending on their condition, you can at least bring them in to see how much your shoes could be worth.
- Laptops: Some other items you didn’t know you could pawn include laptops and computers. Just make sure you wipe all of your personal data before selling your old laptop.
- Cell phones: With new models coming out every year, there’s no sense in hanging on to that old phone. Pawnbrokers will buy most phones, but it depends on how old the phone is and its condition.
- Gaming systems: Like phones, new gaming systems make the old ones obsolete. If you’ve got an eye on a new PlayStation or Xbox, bring your old one down to a pawn shop to see how much it’s worth. Even if you don’t sell your system, you can pawn it to get a quick loan.
- Books: Avid readers often have shelves upon shelves of old books that haven’t been touched in years. If that sounds like you, bring them into a pawn shop. These are popular items you didn’t know you could sell at a pawn shop.
- Sporting goods: If you have old golf clubs, baseball bats or any other sporting gear, try selling it to a pawn shop. You can get a lot of money for your old goods—often enough to buy some new equipment.
- Workout equipment: Whether you’ve given up on your new year’s resolution or you’re looking to upgrade to newer equipment, pawn shops will gladly buy your old workout gear.
Bring your old items to Harrison Street Pawn and Gun
If you’re looking to get rid of any of your old stuff, be sure to work with our team at Harrison Street Pawn and Gun. We buy all of the items you didn’t know you could sell at a pawn shop mentioned above, and we pay top-dollar for all guns, jewelry and much more.