Pawn shops tend to be busy around the holiday season. Shoppers come in looking for unique, low-cost gifts for loved ones, while sellers are either looking for some extra cash for the holidays or simply want to unload some unwanted items before they receive gifts from friends and family.
Pawn shops will accept most anything as long as it has value, but there are some items they’ll be more apt to take than others.
Here are a few examples of some of the best items to pawn if you’re looking for a quick payday.
Jewelry and precious metals
One of the best items to pawn for cash is jewelry, for both men and women. Pawning jewelry can give a solid cash return, and there are always people in pawn shops looking for unique jewelry items to add to their ensembles. Jewelry tends to hold on to its value well, especially when it contains precious metals like gold and silver. If it is from a high-end designer or has precious gems, it will also have a higher cash value than generic pieces of jewelry without these same elements.
Pawn shops will provide loans for a variety of musical instruments, including guitars, violins, drum sets, pianos, trumpets and more. These items are good for people looking for things to pawn for cash, because they are probably taking up storage space and can quickly be pawned for cash. If you play the instruments infrequently or not at all, you’ll barely miss them.
If you have a variety of old, functional electronic devices lying around your home, you can get a good return on those items from a pawn shop. Examples of such equipment could include laptops, tablets, PCs, game consoles, home theater equipment, stereos and smartphones. If you can include complete sets with these items (think power cords, cables, remotes and various other accessories) this will only enhance the value you can expect to get in return for your item.
Guns are among the more popular items at pawn shops, so it’s no surprise that pawn shops are willing to offer good values to gun owners looking to pawn their possessions. The process of selling or pawning for a cash loan is fast and easy. Pawn shops will also have all the required forms and background checks needed to get the process done. Many are federally-licensed firearm dealers, which means they’re required to comply with all federal gun regulations to ensure the guns that come through their shops are sold and bought in compliance with federal law.
Power tools
Have some power tools lying around the home that you simply do not use any more? You can take them to a pawn shop and get a good cash return for them, as there are always people coming into pawn shops in search of tools to add to their collections at a discount.
For more information about the best things to pawn if you’re in need of some quick cash payouts, contact us at Harrison Street Pawn and Gun.