Carrying a gun for protection is a big responsibility, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. When you carry a concealed weapon, it means that you are willing to take the necessary steps to ensure your safety and the safety of those around you. All too often people assume that because they have gone through the required classes, passed the live-fire tests and been issued a permit that they are in the clear. Even though you may have a permit for handguns in Olathe, KS there are a number of things you need to consider to stay out of trouble.
If you’re a gun owner, here’s a rundown of the state laws in regards to concealed carry regulations.
The law of the land, generally speaking
Kansas is one state where legislators and the governor have passed “permit-less carry” and “shall issue” rules for anyone who can legally own a firearm. What this means is that, unlike some states where a lengthy permitting process must occur prior to issue, Kansas residents can carry without those extra steps. This does not, however, mean that a concealed carrier in the state escapes the fees and renewal process.
Active duty military and their family members (referred to as dependents in the state statute) stationed in the state are also allowed permits during their time in the state. But don’t just take our word for it—you should familiarize yourself with the laws via the Kansas Attorney General’s website before proceeding.
Know before you go
Even with your permit, there are a number of exceptions to the rules for when and where you can carry your weapon. While some places completely disallow concealed carry on their premises, other places have a say. According to the Kansas Attorney General’s website, these are the places you may want to check before taking your weapon. For example, sovereign tribal lands may very well recognize your permit to carry a weapon, but they may also have rules against it. It’s the same for tribal casinos. It is always best to check with the local authorities before taking any chances.
And although weapons carried by permitted citizens are allowed in the state capitol, they are not permitted in the governor’s residence or buildings on the grounds. If a location has signage clearly stating that firearms are not allowed on the premises, take heed, because it indicates you are breaking state or federal laws. It is always important to check to make sure you are not breaking the law by carrying your firearm in certain areas of the property.
Mind the consequences
As mentioned above, carrying a concealed weapon is a serious matter. It’s your responsibility to know the laws and follow them to the letter. Failing to do so could very well result in imprisonment and/or the loss of your right to carry a gun.
If you are shopping around for handguns in Olathe, KS, then head on over to Harrison Street Pawn. We offer outstanding guns, firearm accessories and gun services, and our experts are here to answer all your questions. Come in today!