A well maintained used gun can be a great investment, but a gun that hasn’t been cared for can be more trouble than it’s worth. Because you don’t want to purchase a lemon, it’s crucial for you to do research ahead of time and go prepared with a list of used gun related questions. Or, if you are not too gun savvy, think about asking a gun enthusiast friend to come along. Both gun function and safety are important considerations, so make sure you thoroughly examine any type of used firearm before buying from gun stores in Olathe, KS:
- Look for signs of wear and tear: Guns are fairly simple mechanical devices, but like cars, certain components can wear out with repeated use. When you inspect a firearm, make sure that all of the components are tight and work properly. For example, a revolver’s cylinder should not rotate in the gun, and especially not when the hammer is back—the safety should stay engaged and not be loose.
- Disassemble and inspect: Whether you visit only one gun retailer or several gun stores in Olathe, KS, you can benefit from a close up inspection of external as well as internal components. So, if at all possible, ask the gun seller if you can break the gun down to look at the internals. You might find excessive dirt, rust or signs of wear once you get a better look at the inside of the weapon. Look for bent components or worn springs and make sure that all internal screws are tight and in place.
- Check for modifications: Some gun owners pride themselves on modifying firearms, and yet, they have no gunsmith training. Even if an add-on looks cool, it can negatively affect how a gun works or how accurate it is. Be sure that, whatever a previous owner might have bolted on, it works without needed special attention. If it becomes an issue, many gun shops can order stock parts that allow you to return the firearm to its factory specifications.
- Ask to dry fire it: Dry firing guns is generally frowned upon by aficionados, but when it comes to buying a used gun, it is an important thing to do. Make sure the trigger pull is not too heavy, that the pull is smooth and that the hammer falls properly. A double action revolver should rotate the cylinder to the next chamber when the trigger is squeezed. If it doesn’t, something is wrong.
- Make sure it fits your grip: Does the gun feel comfortable in your hands? If a gun is too big or small, you will have issues controlling it while shooting. A good-sized gun grip for your hand also includes the ability to rack the slide or cock the hammer without injuring your hand or fingers or damaging the firearm.
If you are looking to buy a firearm, there’s no need to drive all over town to half a dozen gun stores in Olathe, KS. For a wide selection of new and used firearms, we invite you to visit us at Harrison Street Pawn!